ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Calippus of Syracuse

Calippus of Syracuse was a very smart person who lived a long time ago in ancient Greece. He was really interested in the stars and the moon and wanted to learn more about them.

One day, he discovered that the way people were measuring time was not very accurate. They were using something called a calendar, but it wasn't working very well.

So Calippus came up with an idea to make the calendar better. He looked at the way the moon and the sun move in the sky and figured out that it takes the moon about 29 and a half days to go around the Earth.

He also knew that it takes the Earth about 365 and a quarter days to go around the sun. So he used these two things to create a new calendar that was much more accurate.

Calippus' new calendar had 12 months in it, just like the old one, but some months had 30 days and some had 31 days, depending on how long the lunar cycle was for that month. And every fourth year, he added an extra day to February to make up for the extra quarter day that the Earth takes to go around the sun.

This was a really big deal because it helped people know when to plant their crops, celebrate festivals, and even when to go to war. It was such an important invention that it became the standard calendar for many years, and elements of it are still used today in our modern calendar.