ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cambridge Platonists

The Cambridge Platonists were a group of smart people who lived a really long time ago in a place called Cambridge. They were called "Platonists" because they believed in the ideas of a really smart man named Plato. They believed that there was something called the "divine nature" inside all people and things, and that it was our job to try to connect with and understand this divine nature.

The Cambridge Platonists were also really interested in science and philosophy (which is thinking about big questions like "what is the meaning of life?"). They believed that you could use your brain to figure out a lot of cool things about the world, and that you could learn a lot from thinking and studying.

Some famous Cambridge Platonists were John Smith, Ralph Cudworth, and Benjamin Whichcote. They wrote a lot of books and papers about their ideas, and their work helped to shape the way people thought about philosophy and science for a really long time.