ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Camp Douglas (Chicago)

Camp Douglas was a big place in Chicago a long time ago where the army kept soldiers during the Civil War. It was like a big neighborhood with houses where soldiers stayed and did things like eat, sleep, and play.

But it wasn't always fun for the soldiers there because sometimes they got sick and didn't feel good. Also, sometimes there weren't enough beds for all of them to sleep in, so some had to sleep on the floor.

At Camp Douglas, there were also soldiers from the South who were captured during the war. They were called prisoners of war, or POWs for short. These prisoners stayed in a different part of the camp, away from the Union soldiers.

The conditions for the POWs were very bad. They had to live in small tents and many of them got sick because there wasn't enough food or clean water. Some of them even died because they were so sick.

Many people today look back at Camp Douglas and think it was a terrible place because of the way the POWs were treated. But it was an important part of history and we can learn from it to make sure everyone is treated fairly and with kindness.