ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) v. Khosa

Hi there! Canada is a big country that lots of people want to come and live in. So, the government of Canada made rules about who can come and who can't. They are called "immigration" rules.

Now, there was a man named Mr. Khosa who wanted to come and live in Canada. He followed all the rules and applied to come. But the government of Canada said "no, we don't want you to come. You don't meet our rules."

Now, Mr. Khosa didn't agree with this decision. He thought that the government didn't understand his situation and he should be allowed to come. So, he went to court and asked the judge to make the government change their mind.

The judge listened to both Mr. Khosa and the government's arguments. He thought about the immigration rules that Canada had made and how they were supposed to work. After thinking about it for a while, he decided that the government had made a mistake. Mr. Khosa really did meet the immigration rules and should be allowed to come and live in Canada.

This was a really important decision because it meant that people who want to come and live in Canada can question the government's decision if they think it's wrong. And the government has to have a really good reason for saying "no" to someone who meets all the immigration rules.