ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canadian Group of Painters

Okay kiddo, there was a big group of artists in Canada a long time ago who wanted to paint about their country and its nature. They called themselves the Group of Seven (there were actually seven of them, hence the name), and they were very famous for their beautiful paintings that showed how pretty and special Canada is.

They liked to paint landscapes, which means they made pictures of forests, lakes, mountains, and other natural things they saw around them. They also used really bright and bold colors, which made their paintings look super cool and unique. Some people didn't like their style at first, but eventually, lots of Canadians came to love their work.

The Group of Seven also helped to make Canadian art more famous around the world, and their paintings are now in museums and galleries all over the place. Even though they're not around anymore, their paintings still inspire people to this day!