ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canadian Nuclear Association

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what the Canadian Nuclear Association is.

You know how we use electricity at home to turn on lights or watch TV? Well, the Canadian Nuclear Association is a group of people who work together to make sure we have enough electricity for everyone in Canada to use.

But they don't make electricity the normal way like using coal or gas. They make electricity using something very special called nuclear energy. This means they use a special machine called a reactor to make electricity.

The nuclear energy is something that comes from tiny particles called atoms. The CNA is in charge of making sure the reactors work properly and safely, so we can have electricity without hurting the environment.

The CNA also helps to educate people about nuclear energy and how important it is for our country. They work with the government to make rules and regulations to keep everyone safe.

In summary, the Canadian Nuclear Association is a group of people who use nuclear energy to make electricity and make sure it is done safely and properly in Canada.