ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canarian Spanish

Ok kiddo, do you know where the Canary Islands are? They are islands off the coast of Africa that belong to Spain. And just like how people in different parts of the United States have different accents and say things differently, the people who live in the Canary Islands also speak Spanish a little differently than people who live in other parts of Spain.

This special way of speaking Spanish on the Canary Islands is called Canarian Spanish. Canarian Spanish has some differences in vocabulary and pronunciation compared to what you might hear in other parts of Spain, like Madrid or Barcelona.

For example, in Canarian Spanish, they might say "tay" instead of "estás" when asking how someone is doing, and they might use different words for certain things. They also have their own unique sayings and expressions.

But even though Canarian Spanish is different, everyone in Spain can still understand it because it's still Spanish. So, it's just like how people in different parts of the United States might say things differently, but we can all still understand each other.