ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
Examples: bible, ebola, currency, esg, monoid

Candy apple

Alright kiddo, have you ever seen those shiny red apples that look like they've been dipped in candy? Those are called candy apples!

So, here's how it works. First, you take a nice, crisp apple and stick a wooden skewer through the center of it. Then, you mix together sugar, corn syrup, water, and food coloring (usually red or green) in a big pot and heat it up until it gets really hot and bubbly.

Next comes the fun part! You dip the apple into the hot candy mixture, making sure to coat it all over. This is where it can get a little tricky, because the candy is really hot and sticky. But if you're careful and have a grown-up helping you, you can do it!

Once the apple is coated in candy, you let it cool down for a bit so the candy hardens. And voila! You've got yourself a tasty, shiny candy apple! Some people even like to add extra toppings, like sprinkles or chopped nuts, to make it even more delicious.

Just make sure you don't bite into it too fast, because the candy can be pretty hard and sticky. Enjoy, little one!
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