ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cantonal police

Okay kiddo, so every country has its own police force to make sure everyone follows the rules and stays safe. But in Switzerland, each region, called a "canton," has its own police force too! That's where "cantonal police" comes from.

So let's say you live in Canton A and there's someone who's doing something dangerous or illegal, you would call the cantonal police in your area, not the national police. The cantonal police in Canton A are responsible for helping people in Canton A and making sure things are good in that area.

Just like the national police have different groups to focus on different things such as traffic or crime, cantonal police might have different teams for different jobs too. And just like all the police, cantonal police officers wear uniforms, drive cars with sirens and lights, and carry tools to help them keep people safe, like handcuffs and radios.

So that's what cantonal police is all about - they're the police who help keep their own particular region safe and peaceful.