ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Capitated reimbursement

Capitated reimbursement is like buying a ticket to a playground instead of paying for each toy you want to play with.

Let's say you want to go to the playground and play with a bunch of toys. If you had to pay for each toy separately, it would take a lot of money and you might not be able to play with everything you want.

But with capitated reimbursement, instead of paying for each toy separately, you pay one ticket price upfront, and then you can play with as many toys as you want without worrying about paying for each one separately.

In healthcare, capitated reimbursement works in a similar way. Instead of paying for each visit to the doctor or getting blood work done separately, you pay one fixed amount upfront to your healthcare provider. This payment includes all the services you might need, whether it's a routine check-up, a blood test, or a consultation with a specialist.

This way, you can get all the care you need without worrying about how much each service costs. Your healthcare provider, on the other hand, is incentivized to provide quality care, because they receive the same amount of money whether you need a lot of care or just a little.

Capitated reimbursement is a way to help control healthcare costs and ensure that patients receive the care they need without worrying about how much it will cost.