ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Captain (Australian rules football)

In Australian Rules Football, the captain is the most important person on the field. They are the leader of the team and help everyone work together to try to win the game. It's sort of like being the boss of the team.

The captain is usually a really good player with lots of experience. They help make important decisions, like who should be on the field and what tactics the team should use. They also talk to the other players and help them feel confident and motivated.

The captain wears a special armband or badge to show that they are the captain. This helps the umpires and other players know who to talk to if there's a problem or they need to ask a question.

Being the captain is a big responsibility, but it's also really cool. The captain gets to lead the team out onto the field, toss the coin to decide which team starts with the ball, and give inspiring speeches to the team before the game. They can also be a role model for other players by showing good sportsmanship and working hard to help the team achieve their goals.