ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Captain Marshall Field Expeditions

Okay kiddo, let's talk about Captain Marshall Field Expeditions! So, there was this man named Captain Marshall Field who really loved exploring and studying different parts of the world. He wanted to learn more about the animals, plants, and people who live in different places.

So, he put together a group of people who were experts in different fields like biology (the study of living things), geology (the study of the Earth's materials and structure), and anthropology (the study of human cultures and societies). They went on expeditions to different parts of the world, which means they went on big trips to explore and learn.

During these trips, they would collect samples of plants, rocks, and animals to bring back and study. They would also talk to the people who live in those places to learn about their culture and way of life.

The Captain Marshall Field Expeditions were really important because they helped scientists learn more about our world and the different creatures and cultures that live in it. Plus, it's always fun to explore new places and learn new things!