ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Captatio benevolentiae

Captatio benevolentiae is a fancy way of saying doing things to make someone like you. It's like when you want your friend to come over, and you offer them some of your favorite toys or snacks. You're doing something nice to make them feel happy and liked.

In school, your teacher might start a lesson by asking how your day was or telling a funny joke. This is captatio benevolentiae because the teacher is trying to make you feel good and more interested in the lesson.

Politicians also use captatio benevolentiae when they tell stories about their family or show pictures of themselves doing nice things. They're trying to make you like them more so you'll vote for them.

Captatio benevolentiae is all about being friendly and making good first impressions. It's like saying "hello" with a smile or giving a compliment. It helps create a happy and positive environment for everyone.