ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Carl Breer

Carl Breer was a very important person in the history of cars. He was born a long time ago, in 1883, when cars were just starting to become popular. Carl was really interested in cars and how they worked.

When Carl was older, he got a job working for a company called Chrysler. At Chrysler, he was part of a team of smart people who designed and built cars. Carl was really good at making cars better, faster, and safer. He came up with lots of ideas that helped make cars easier to use and more fun to drive.

One of the things Carl is most famous for is something called "streamlining." This means making a car more aerodynamic, or able to move through the air more easily. By making cars more streamlined, Carl was able to make them go faster and use less gas. He came up with some really cool designs that made cars look sleek and stylish.

In addition to streamlining, Carl worked on lots of other important car innovations. He helped create the first ever car with a built-in radio, and he was one of the first people to use a wind tunnel to test how cars move through the air. This made cars safer and easier to handle on the road.

Overall, Carl Breer was a really important person in the world of cars. He helped make cars faster, safer, and more fun to drive. Thanks to people like Carl, we have the awesome cars we get to drive today!