ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Carl Honoré

Okay, kiddo, let me explain to you about Carl Honoré. Carl is a grown-up who writes books and gives talks about the importance of slowing down and taking time to enjoy life, just like a turtle or a snail moves slowly and enjoys its surroundings.

See, sometimes as we grow up, we try to do everything quickly, like finishing our meals or getting dressed, but that can make us feel stressed and rushed. Carl thinks it's important to take our time and appreciate the little things around us, like reading a book or spending time with friends and family.

He believes that it's not always about doing things as fast as possible, but about finding a balance between being productive and enjoying life. Just like how sometimes we need to take a break from playing to have a snack or take a nap, sometimes we need to slow down and enjoy the simple moments in life.

So, in summary, Carl Honoré is a grown-up who teaches us to slow down and enjoy life like a turtle or a snail, because it's not always about doing things quickly, but about finding balance and happiness in the little things.