ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Carlos Saura

Okay kiddo, so Carlos Saura is a man who loves making movies. He was born in Spain a long time ago in 1932. He grew up and went to school to learn how to make movies, like how you might go to school to learn how to write or do math.

Carlos Saura has made a lot of different movies, like stories about people dancing or singing. He likes to show different parts of Spain in his movies, like the countryside or the big city.

Sometimes he puts real people in his movies, like dancers or singers, and sometimes he makes up characters and stories. He likes to use bright colors and music to make his movies exciting and fun to watch.

People all over the world like watching his movies, and some of them have even won awards, which is like getting a gold star for doing a really good job.

Basically, Carlos Saura is a really cool guy who makes really cool movies that make people happy when they watch them.