ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Carnivorous plant

A carnivorous plant is a type of plant that eats insects and other small animals! Just like you might eat a snack, these plants need to eat too in order to grow and stay healthy. But instead of going to the store for food like you might, they catch their food right where they grow.

Carnivorous plants live in places where it's hard to find nutrients like nitrogen, which is really important for their growth. So, they have adapted over time to catch insects and extract the nutrients they need from them.

But how do they catch their prey? Well, different carnivorous plants do it in different ways. Some plants, like the Venus flytrap, have special leaves with small hairs on them that snap shut when an insect touches them. Once the insect is trapped, the plant releases special enzymes that digest the prey and extract the nutrients it needs.

Other carnivorous plants, like the pitcher plant, have special leaves that are shaped like a pitcher or a flask. Insects are attracted to the odor and color of the pitcher plant's leaves and crawl in, hoping to find a snack. But once they are inside, the plant's slippery walls make it hard for them to escape, and they fall into a pool of digestive enzymes at the bottom of the pitcher.

There are even some carnivorous plants that set traps in the soil! These plants, called sundews, have leaves that are covered in tiny tentacles with sticky droplets at the end. When an insect lands on the leaf, it gets stuck in the gluey droplets, and the leaf curls up around the prey to digest it.

Carnivorous plants may seem like they have superpowers, but they are just using their unique adaptations to survive in their environment. So, although they may look a little scary, these plants are just doing what they need to in order to live and thrive!