ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cash carrier

Imagine that you want to send a message or something important to someone who is far away from you. But instead of using a phone or an email, you have to physically send it to them. So, what do you do? You put the message or item inside a small container and tie it to a rope, and then you send it through a special track or system. That small container is called a “cash carrier” because it can also carry money or other valuable things.

The cash carrier system is like a mini railroad that is designed to transport these small containers from one place to another. The track is usually made of metal, and it has grooves or slots in which the carrier runs. The carrier is powered by gravity, meaning it moves by itself along the track, without any external force. The track can be straight or curved, and it can go up and down as well.

The cash carrier system is typically used in places where there is a need to transport small items or documents between different floors of a building. For example, in large department stores, hospitals or libraries, there are often more than one floors, and staff members need to send things back and forth between them. Instead of physically walking up and down the stairs or using an elevator, they can use the cash carrier system, which is faster and more convenient.

To use the cash carrier system, you need to put the item or message inside the container, and then attach it to the carrier. The carrier then runs along the track until it reaches its destination, where the recipient can retrieve it. The recipient can then use the same carrier to send something back, by reversing the direction of the carrier.

In summary, a cash carrier is a small container that is used to transport small items or documents in a system of tracks. The cash carrier system is used in places where there is a need to move things quickly and efficiently between different floors or locations. It is like a mini railroad that moves by gravity and is powered by the weight of the carrier.