ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Caspian people

Okay, so there are these people called the Caspian people. They live around a big saltwater lake called the Caspian Sea. It's like a giant bathtub filled with water and it's between Asia and Europe.

The Caspian people are actually made up of lots of smaller groups of people, kind of like how your class at school is made up of different kids. Each group has their own way of speaking, customs, and traditions that make them unique.

They have been living around the Caspian Sea for thousands of years and have learned how to live off the land and water. They fish, farm, and herd animals like cows and sheep for food. They also make really beautiful rugs and clothes that are known all around the world!

The Caspian people are important because they help keep the cultures and traditions of the area alive. They have a strong connection to the land and are working to protect it for future generations.