ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Casual Friday

Casual Friday is a special day at work where people get to wear clothes that are more comfortable and relaxed than their regular work clothes. Usually, people have to wear fancier and more formal clothes when they go to work, like suits, button-up shirts, and dresses. But on Casual Friday, they can wear things like jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers.

It's like having a super fun dress-up day at school, except at work, and you get to wear your comfiest clothes! It's a way for people to feel more relaxed and comfortable at work, and it can make the day feel a little more fun and exciting too.

But even on Casual Friday, people should still try to dress appropriately and not wear anything too messy or revealing (like shorts or crop tops). They should still look nice and put together, but just in a more comfortable way.

Overall, Casual Friday is a special day at work where people get to wear more comfortable clothes and feel relaxed while still looking good.