ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cat pheromone

Hi there! Do you know how cats communicate with each other? It's not like humans who use words to talk to each other. Cats use something called pheromones. These are special scents that they release from their bodies, like when you can smell a flower.

Cat pheromones are like a special language that cats use to communicate with each other. They are found in different parts of a cat's body, like in their cheeks and tails. When cats rub their cheeks on surfaces or people, they are actually leaving a scent mark that other cats can pick up on.

There are different types of pheromones that cats release, each with a different purpose. For example, some pheromones make cats feel calm and relaxed, while others help them feel more confident and in control.

Some people use artificial cat pheromone sprays or diffusers in their homes to help their cats feel more comfortable and reduce stress. These products mimic the natural pheromones that cats release, and can help them feel more at home and less anxious.

So, just like humans use words to talk to each other, cats use pheromones to communicate and feel more at ease in their environment!