ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Catholic Worker Movement

The Catholic Worker Movement is a group of people who try to help others who are less fortunate than them. They believe that following the example of Jesus means helping the poor and needy. The Catholic Worker Movement started back in the 1930s when a woman named Dorothy Day decided to start a newspaper to share her beliefs about helping the poor. She wanted to spread the message that it was important for people to help each other, even if it was just in small ways.

Over time, the Catholic Worker Movement grew and became more than just a newspaper. People who shared the same beliefs as Dorothy Day started to form groups and communities across the country. These communities were made up of people who had decided to live simply and share what they had with others who were struggling.

Today, the Catholic Worker Movement is still alive and well. These communities can be found all over the world and are still working to help those who need it most. They provide food, shelter, and other basic needs to people who would otherwise go without. They also work to raise awareness about issues that affect the poor and fight for justice on their behalf.