ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Catsuits and bodysuits in popular media

Okay, so you know how you have clothes that cover your whole body like a onesie or a jumpsuit? A catsuit or bodysuit is like that but it's tighter and fits your body like a glove.

In movies and TV shows, sometimes characters wear catsuits or bodysuits because it makes them look really cool and stylish. They can also be used for characters who are superheroes or spies because they can move around really easily and not get caught on things.

Sometimes these suits have special features like a built-in mask or gloves that make the character look even more mysterious. They can also be made of special materials like leather or spandex that look shiny and cool.

Overall, catsuits and bodysuits are just a fun fashion choice that can make characters look really cool and ready for action!