ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cattamarra Coal Measures

Okay, let me try to explain to you what Cattamarra coal measures are in a way that a five-year-old would understand.

Have you ever seen a piece of coal before? It's a black rock-like substance that is used to make energy by burning it. Cattamarra coal measures is a fancy name for the layer of coal that was found in a place called Cattamarra in Australia.

Imagine you're baking a cake and you have all the different ingredients you need. The Cattamarra coal measures are like an ingredient in the earth's crust that has to be mined to get the coal that is used to make energy. It's like digging deep into the ground to get the black rocks that can burn and give us electricity.

So, basically, Cattamarra coal measures are just a fancy way of saying a layer of coal that can be found in the ground in a place called Cattamarra. It's an important source of energy for many people who need it to light their homes, run their cars, and power machines.