ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ceintures de Lyon

Okay kiddo, so you know what a belt is right? A ceinture de Lyon is like a fancy belt or sash that people wear to show they come from Lyon, which is a city in France.

It’s a long and colorful ribbon that is tied around the waist and has different patterns on it. It can be made from different materials like silk, cotton, or wool. It’s kinda like a special accessory, like a necklace or bracelet, that tells people where you’re from or what you support.

People in Lyon wear these belts during special occasions or festivals, like the Fête des Lumières (Festival of Lights) which is a big celebration in Lyon. It’s like their way of showing love for their city and tradition.

So, that’s what a ceinture de Lyon is all about. You wear it to show you’re proud of where you’re from and to celebrate special events. Isn’t that cool?