ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Celtic Luxembourg

Celtic Luxembourg is a way of referring to a time long ago when a group of people called the Celts lived in the land that is now called Luxembourg. The Celts were a group of people who lived in many different parts of Europe over 2,000 years ago. They spoke a language called Celtic and had their own unique culture and traditions.

When we say "Celtic Luxembourg," we are talking about the time when the Celts lived in this specific area. They built settlements, grew crops, and raised animals, just like people do today. However, they did some things differently than we do now, such as using different tools and having different beliefs about the world around them.

Over time, the Celts in Luxembourg interacted with other groups of people and their culture changed. Today, we can still see evidence of the Celts in the history and traditions of Luxembourg, but they are no longer the dominant culture in the region.