ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cement accelerator

Okay kiddo, you know how when we want to build something with bricks or stones, we use a special sticky material called cement to hold them together, right?

Now, sometimes we want the cement to dry and harden quickly because we don't have enough time to wait for it to dry naturally. That's why we use a special chemical called a cement accelerator.

An accelerator is like a magical ingredient we add to cement that makes it dry faster. It's kind of like adding baking soda to cake batter, but instead of making the cake rise, it makes the cement harden faster!

The accelerator works by making the chemical reaction that turns wet cement into solid cement happen more quickly. The reaction usually takes a few hours or even days, but with an accelerator, it can happen in just a few minutes or hours.

So if we want to build something quickly or we know that the weather is going to change soon and we need to finish the work before it does, we use a cement accelerator to help speed things up.

But we have to be careful when using accelerators because adding too much can make the cement crack or become weaker, just like how adding too much sugar or flour to a cake can make it taste bad.

So scientists and builders have to figure out the right amount of accelerator to use for each project to make sure that everything turns out strong and safe.