ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cennet and Cehennem

Cennet and cehennem are words in the Arabic language that mean heaven and hell. These are two very important places that Muslims believe in.

Cennet is a happy and beautiful place where good people go after they die. It is like a perfect paradise where everything is peaceful and good. Imagine a place where you can eat and do whatever you want without ever getting tired or sick. In Cennet, people will be really happy and never have to worry about anything.

On the other hand, cehennem is a terrible place where bad people go after they die. It is like a very scary and painful place where everything is dark, hot, and miserable. Imagine a place where you are always thirsty, hungry, and in pain. In cehennem, people will suffer a lot and never be able to escape it.

Muslims believe that the way to get into Cennet is by doing good things and living a good life, while the way to end up in cehennem is by doing bad things and living a bad life. They also believe that God is the one who decides where each person goes after they die.