ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Censorship in the People's Republic of Poland

Okay kiddo, have you ever played a game where you needed to take turns and sometimes someone said you couldn't use a certain card or move? That's kind of like what is happening in Poland when it comes to what people can say or write.

In Poland, which is a country in Europe, some people in charge are deciding what people can and cannot say or write. If someone says or writes something that these people don't like, they can get in trouble, kind of like getting a timeout.

This is called censorship, which means controlling what people can say or write. The people who do this in Poland believe that it's important to protect some ideas, like the government's way of doing things, and that certain things should not be discussed or criticized.

Some people in Poland do not agree with this, because they believe that people should be able to express their opinions and have the freedom to write and say what they want. So, there is some disagreement and conflict about censorship in Poland.