ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Censorship of Wikipedia

So, imagine you have a book in your room that has a lot of information on different things like animals, countries, and history. One day, someone comes to your room and tries to take some pages from the book that they don't want you to read. This is like censorship, which means when someone tries to remove or hide certain information or ideas from people.

Now, Wikipedia is like a big online book that anyone can read and write in. People from all over the world can share their knowledge and add information to it. But sometimes, some people don't like what others write on Wikipedia, so they try to remove or change it. This could be because they disagree with what is said, or they think it's not true or appropriate.

To prevent this from happening, Wikipedia has rules and moderators who check the information and make sure it is correct and unbiased. This helps to keep Wikipedia as a reliable source of information for everyone. However, sometimes governments or organizations might try to censor Wikipedia by blocking access to it or changing information that they don't like. This can limit people's access to knowledge and ideas, which goes against the idea of Wikipedia being an open and free platform to learn and share information.