ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Center for Intelligence and Security Studies

The Center for Intelligence and Security Studies is a place where really smart people work together to learn about how to keep countries safe. Just like how grown-ups sometimes have clubs where they learn more about things they are interested in, like gardening or knitting, the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies is like a club for really smart people who are interested in how countries keep their people safe.

They study things like how spies work, how to make sure that important secrets don't get stolen, and how to protect countries from people who want to hurt them. They also learn about new technology and ways that countries can work together to keep everyone safe.

All of the people who work at the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies are really important because they help protect the country and the people who live in it. They are like superheroes, but instead of fighting with their fists, they fight by using their brains and thinking really hard about how to keep everyone safe.