ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Central and East European Management Development Association

The Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN) is a group of grown-ups who work together to help other grown-ups learn how to be really good at managing stuff. They focus on a special part of the world called Central and Eastern Europe, which is where some countries are located, like Poland and Hungary.

CEEMAN helps people learn how to be good managers in a lot of different ways. They have classes and workshops where people can learn new skills and ideas, they also organize events where people can meet and share their experiences with each other.

CEEMAN works with lots of different schools and organizations to help make sure that people are getting good education and training in management. They also do research to find out new and better ways to help people become even better managers.

Basically, CEEMAN is like a big team that helps people become better managers and leaders so that they can make their companies and countries better too.