ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Centre for Studies on Federalism

Okay kiddo, so the Centre for Studies on Federalism is a special place where grown-ups go to learn and talk about a special type of government called federalism.

You know how you have different parts of your body that work together, like your arms, legs, and head? Well, federalism is kind of like that but for countries. In a federal government, there are different parts of the government that work together to make decisions for the whole country.

So at the Centre for Studies on Federalism, people study how federal governments work, what makes them different from other types of governments, and how they can be improved. Sometimes they even talk about how different countries around the world use federalism in their own governments.

It's kind of like a school for grown-ups who want to learn more about how countries work and how they can be run in a fair and effective way. And who knows, maybe when you're older, you might be interested in studying federalism too!