ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Centre for the History of the Book

So, you know how books are really cool and you can learn a lot from them? Well, there are some people who love books so much that they want to learn about them too! That's where the Centre for the History of the Book comes in.

The Centre for the History of the Book is a special place where grown-ups who love books can learn all about how they've been made over the years. That's right, books weren't always made the same way as they are now!

The people who work at the Centre study all kinds of books from all different times and places. They look at things like what the pages are made of, how the words were printed on the pages, and how they were bound together. They also study things like how people used to read and write books, and how books helped people learn and share information with each other.

By studying all these things, the people at the Centre learn about the history of books and how they've changed over time. They also teach other people about the history of books so that everyone can learn how important they are!