ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Centre for the Study of the Causes of the War

Okay kiddo, do you know what a war is? It's when two or more groups of people fight with each other using weapons. The centre for the study of the causes of the war is a place where people try to figure out why wars happen.

Remember when you and your friend fought over a toy and you both wanted to play with it? That's kind of like how wars start, except with grown-up countries and more serious things at stake.

The people at the centre study things like disagreements between countries, political issues, and historical events that might have led up to a war. They want to understand why people and countries can't always get along and why they might get so angry that they resort to fighting.

By understanding these causes, the people at the centre hope to prevent wars from happening in the future. It's like trying to stop a fight before it even starts.

That's the centre for the study of the causes of the war, all done in a way even a five-year-old can understand.