ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Centrifugal evaporator

Okay, imagine you have a bowl of water and you want to get rid of all the water from it. You could pour the water out, but that would take a really long time and might make a big mess.

Instead, you can use a machine called a centrifugal evaporator. This machine spins the water really fast, so it turns into a gas and evaporates. It's kind of like when you spin around really fast and feel dizzy – the water in the machine gets dizzy and turns into a gas!

The machine works like this: You put the bowl of water into the machine and close the lid. Then you turn on the machine and it starts to spin really fast. As the water spins, it gets pulled to the outside of the bowl because of something called centrifugal force.

While the water is spinning, the machine heats it up with some special heaters. This makes the water start to evaporate and turn into a gas.

The gas then gets sucked out of the machine with a pump and goes into a special container where it turns back into water. This container is called a condenser.

Once all the water has turned into gas and been sucked out of the machine, you're left with a dry bowl. And that's how a centrifugal evaporator helps you get rid of water really quickly and without making a mess!