ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Centrifugal gun

A centrifugal gun is a really cool type of weapon that makes things go super fast by spinning them really fast in circles. It's like taking a toy car and spinning it around in a circle really fast with your hand, except way more powerful.

Here's how it works: imagine a spinning wheel that's kind of like a giant Frisbee. On the edge of the wheel, there are little compartments with bullets in them. When the wheel spins really fast, the bullets fly out of the compartments and shoot forward at incredible speeds. It's kind of like when you're playing catch with a friend and you throw the ball really hard - but imagine your arm is the spinning wheel and the ball is the bullet.

Now, because the bullets are being spun around in a circle, they shoot out in a different direction than they started. This means that if you aim the gun at something and spin the wheel, the bullets will shoot out and hit the target from an unexpected angle. This can make it harder for the target to avoid getting hit, because they might not be expecting the bullet to come from that direction.

Overall, a centrifugal gun is a really interesting and powerful kind of weapon that uses the power of spinning to shoot bullets at amazing speeds.