ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ceramic water filter

Hey kiddo, have you ever heard of a ceramic water filter? It's a special tool that helps clean water so you can drink it safely!

So imagine that water is like a big bowl of soup. Sometimes, the soup gets dirty with little bits of dirt or bugs that you don't want to eat. It's the same with water! Sometimes water in rivers or streams can have little bits of dirt, leaves or even bacteria that can make you sick if you drink it.

This is where the ceramic water filter comes in! It's like a healthy sieve that filters out all the yucky bits in your soup, making it safe for you to eat!

The filter is made of a special type of clay that is heated up really hot, kind of like baking cookies. This makes the clay really strong and able to keep out any big or small particles that could make you sick. The ceramic filter has tiny little holes that let the water through but keep the dirt and bacteria out.

So next time you are out in nature and you come across a stream or river, you can use the ceramic water filter to make the water clean and safe to drink, just like how you use a strainer to get the spaghetti out of boiling water!