ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Certification marks in India

Certification marks in India are like stickers that show that something meets certain standards. It's kinda like a gold star that you get on your homework when you do it really well.

Let's say there is a product called "ABC Soap". To get a certification mark, ABC Soap has to pass certain tests and meet certain requirements that show that it is good quality and safe to use.

Once ABC Soap meets all the standards, it can get a special sticker on its packaging that shows it has been certified. This sticker is called a "certification mark".

You might have seen some certification marks before, like the ISI mark or the FSSAI mark. These marks tell you that the product has been tested and is safe to use.

So, when you see a product with a certification mark in India, you can trust that it meets certain standards and is safe for you to use.