ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Certified Sex Therapist

A certified sex therapist is someone who knows lots of different things about how bodies work and how people feel. They can help people who are having problems with sex or relationships, or who just want to learn more about how to have better, happier sex lives.

They might talk to people about things like how to communicate better with their partner, how to deal with stress or anxiety that might be affecting their sex life, or how to explore different kinds of sexual experiences safely and respectfully.

To become a certified sex therapist, someone has to study very hard and learn all about how to help people with these kinds of issues. They might go to school for many years and learn about lots of different parts of the body and how they work, as well as how different hormones and chemicals in our brains can affect the way we feel.

It's important for people to be able to talk honestly and openly with their sex therapist, because they want to make sure everyone feels safe and comfortable. That's why sex therapists promise to keep all the conversation confidential, which means they won't tell anyone else about what they talk about unless they're worried someone might be getting hurt.