ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Champaran Satyagraha

Champaran Satyagraha was a peaceful protest in India led by a man named Mahatma Gandhi.

Okay, so let me explain what a protest is first. Have you ever been in a situation where you didn't like something that was happening, and you wanted to make it stop or change it? Well, a protest is when a group of people get together to show that they don't like something and to try to make it stop or change. In Champaran, many farmers were being forced to grow indigo, which is a type of plant used to make a blue dye. The farmers didn't want to grow indigo because it wasn't making them any money, and they were being treated unfairly. So, they decided to protest.

Now, let's talk about Mahatma Gandhi. He was a very important person in India at that time. He was a leader who believed in peaceful protests, meaning that people can get what they want by talking to others and making their points clear, rather than using violence. He believed that everyone should be treated fairly and equally, and that's what he encouraged the farmers to fight for.

So, the farmers in Champaran started protesting by refusing to grow indigo. They wanted to grow other types of crops that would make them more money, and they also wanted to be treated fairly. Gandhi came to Champaran and helped them organize the protest. He talked with the farmers, listened to their problems, and came up with a plan.

The British government, which ruled India at that time, didn't like the protest. They arrested Gandhi and his supporters, but the people of India supported the farmers and protested too. The British government eventually realized that they could not ignore the protests anymore, and they agreed to let the farmers grow other crops and make changes to the way they were being treated.

The Champaran Satyagraha was one of the important events in India's fight for independence. Through peaceful protests, the farmers were able to get what they wanted and make a change. It was an example of how people can come together, stand up for what is right, and make a difference.