ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey there! Have you ever heard of a type of music called champeta? No? Well, let me explain it to you like you're 5 years old.

Champeta is a type of music and dance that comes from the Caribbean coast of Colombia in South America. In this type of music, they use a lot of drums, guitars, and other types of instruments like the maracas and guacharaca to create a really fun and upbeat sound.

The people from the Caribbean coast of Colombia really love to dance champeta, and it's a big part of their culture. When they dance champeta, they move their hips and feet really fast and they do a lot of jumps and twists. It's kind of like salsa, but with a little bit more bounce.

Champeta is a mix of different types of music, like African music, reggae, and salsa. This is because the Caribbean coast of Colombia has a lot of different cultures that have all contributed to the music and dance of the region.

Overall, champeta is a really fun and energetic type of music and dance that is loved by many people in Colombia and all over the world!