ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Channel 4 Banned season

Okay kiddo, let me explain this to you in a way that you can understand. Channel 4 is a TV channel that shows lots of different TV programs for people to watch. But sometimes, they might choose to not show a certain TV show or season.

This is what they call a "banned" season. It means that they decided not to let people watch that season of the show on their channel. There could be many reasons for this. Maybe they think the show is not suitable for some people to watch or it might have bad language or bad behavior in it.

It's like when your parents tell you that you can't watch a certain show because it's not good for you to see. Channel 4 is like a parent for all the people who watch their TV channel. They have to make sure that everything they show is okay for everyone to watch.

So, that's why they might ban a season or a show. But don't worry, there are still lots of other things you can watch on Channel 4 and other TV channels too!