ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chantek (orangutan)

Chantek is a special kind of monkey called an orangutan. He is a very smart monkey who learned how to do things that most other monkeys can't do. Chantek was born in a faraway place called Indonesia, and when he was very young, some humans took him away from his family and brought him to live with them. These humans taught Chantek how to do all sorts of exciting things like using tools and even playing video games!

Chantek liked living with the humans, and he got really good at doing all the things they taught him. He especially liked using tools, like sticks and leaves, to solve problems and get food. Chantek could use a stick to dig a hole in the ground or to scoop up water. He even knew how to use a leaf to make a little cup to drink water from! All the other orangutans in the world were very impressed with Chantek and his cleverness.

Still, even though Chantek was very smart, he always remembered where he came from and missed his family back in Indonesia. The humans who were taking care of Chantek tried to make him happy by giving him lots of attention and treats, but they knew that he would really be happiest back in the rainforest with his orangutan family.

Eventually, the humans decided to take Chantek back to Indonesia so that he could live in the rainforest again. Chantek was very excited to see his family, but he was also sad to leave the humans who had taught him so much. The humans promised to visit Chantek from time to time to see how he was doing and to keep in touch with their clever little monkey friend.