ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Charged particle beam

Okay kiddo, I'll try to explain it as clear and simple as possible. A charged particle beam is a stream of tiny particles that are electrically charged.

You know how a magnet can attract iron filings? That's because the magnet has a magnetic field that pulls the filings towards it. Similarly, charged particles can be attracted or repelled by electric fields.

So when we have a bunch of charged particles, we can use electric fields to control their movement and make them travel in a specific direction. We can also focus them into a tight beam so they move together like a laser beam.

This is really useful in lots of scientific and technological applications. For example, we can use charged particle beams to:

- Read and write data on hard drives
- Create tiny structures on computer chips
- Examine the structure of materials at the atomic level
- Treat cancer by targeting tumors with radiation
- *Infinite applications alert!!!*

Hope this helps you understand what charged particle beams are and how they are used, kiddo!