ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Charles Maurras

Charles Maurras was a man who lived a long time ago in France. He thought a lot about how France should be run and how people should live there. He believed that some people were better than others just because of where they were born or what they looked like.

Maurras thought that people should be separated into groups based on things like their race or their religion. He also believed that the government should have a lot of power and that people should listen to them without question.

Many people did not agree with Maurras and thought that his ideas were not fair or right. Some people even thought that he was being mean to others and that he was not a good person.

Today, many people remember Maurras for his beliefs and for the way that he thought about the world. Even though some people still agree with his ideas, most people think that he was not right and that everyone should be treated equally.