ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Charles Samuel Franklin

Charles Samuel Franklin was a man who lived a long time ago. He was born in the city of St. Louis in the year 1918. When he was a little boy, he loved to learn about the world around him. He especially loved learning about animals and nature.

As he grew older, Charles Samuel Franklin became very interested in science. He went to school to study biology, which is the study of living things. He learned about how animals and plants grow and survive in their environments.

Eventually, Charles Samuel Franklin became a professor at a university. He taught other people about biology and shared his passion for studying the natural world.

Charles Samuel Franklin also did a lot of research. He wanted to understand more about how animals live and why they do the things they do. He studied things like how animals sense their environments and how they communicate with each other.

One important discovery that Charles Samuel Franklin made was about bats. Bats are animals that can fly, and they use a special sense called echolocation to help them navigate in the dark. Charles Samuel Franklin found that bats use tiny clicks that bounce off objects in their surroundings to help them figure out where they are and where they need to go.

Charles Samuel Franklin was a very smart and curious man who loved to explore the world around him. His research helped us understand more about how animals live and how we can protect them.