ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Charles de Gaulle Airport

Charles de Gaulle Airport is a really big place where airplanes come to land and take off. It's located in France, which is a country in Europe. When people want to go on a trip, they go to the airport to get on a plane. Sometimes, they go to Charles de Gaulle Airport because it has a lot of different airplanes that can take them to different places all over the world.

When you go to the airport, you usually have to check in first. This means you show your passport and your ticket to someone who works there, and they give you a special piece of paper that lets you onto the plane. Once you have your paper, you can go through security. Security is where they look at your bags and make sure you don't have anything dangerous in them.

After security, you go to a big room with a lot of chairs where you wait for your plane to arrive. When your plane gets there, you have to go through a long tunnel called a jet bridge to get on it. Inside the plane, you sit in a seat and wear a seatbelt just like when you're in a car. The plane flies up in the sky for a while, and then lands at another airport where you can go on your trip.

Charles de Gaulle Airport is really good because it has a lot of things to make the trip better, like places to eat and shops where you can buy things. There are also people who speak many different languages, so you can get help if you need it. It's a big place with a lot of different planes and people, but it's very safe and lots of people use it to go on exciting adventures!