ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Charlotte May Pierstorff

Charlotte May Pierstorff was a little girl who lived a long time ago in a place called Idaho, in the United States. She was very small and very skinny, just like you probably were when you were five years old!

One day, her parents wanted to send her to visit her grandma who lived far, far away, but they didn't have a car or any other way to take her there. This was a problem because it was winter and there was a lot of snow on the ground, so it was very hard to travel.

But Charlotte's parents didn't give up, they really wanted her to see her grandma. So they came up with a plan: they would put her on a train, like the ones we see in movies or books, and the train would take her to her grandma's house.

The only issue was, Charlotte was so small and skinny that the train ticket agent, whose job it was to sell train tickets, said she was too little to be on the train by herself. This made her parents very sad, but they didn't give up. They decided to solve the problem in a creative way.

Charlotte's dad made a wooden box and put some blankets and pillows inside. Then, he tied the box with a rope and asked the train conductor to take it with him on the train. The conductor agreed, not knowing that Charlotte was inside the box!

So Charlotte's parents put her in the box, all cozy with the blankets and pillows, and sent her off on the train. Can you imagine being in a box like that? It was a long, bumpy ride, but Charlotte was brave and stayed quiet the whole time so that no one would find out she was there.

Finally, when the train arrived at her grandma's town, the conductor and her dad helped her out of the box. Her grandma was so happy to see her and Charlotte was very happy to be with her grandma too!

Charlotte's story is now famous because of how brave she was to travel such a long way in a box all by herself. Her story teaches us that even when things seem impossible, with a little bit of creativity and bravery, we can find a way to make our dreams come true.