ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chartered mark

Ok kiddo, so have you ever seen a really important seal on a piece of paper or document? That seal means that someone important or recognized by the government, like a knight or a lord, has given their word that the thing written on that paper is true or trustworthy.

Now think of a chartered mark as something like that seal on a document, but for a company. A chartered mark is like a special sticker or logo that a company can put on their products or website to show that they are a part of a special group. This group is made up of companies that are recognized by the government and given extra special privileges or rules to follow, like a special club for really good businesses.

Being a part of this chartered mark club means that the companies are being watched and held accountable to high standards of quality and honesty in their business practices. So when you see a product or website with a chartered mark on it, you can trust that it comes from a company that has been approved and is doing things the right way.